Getting It Right

This page chronicles some ways in which science or scientists have gotten things wrong through history and where the Bible, properly understood, got it right.

There are of course many, many times in which people have not understood the Bible correctly and so have tended to perpetuate false beliefs or unhelpful or destructive actions. Certainly one of the most famous of these is not recognizing Jesus as the Messiah when He came to earth. Other well-known examples of bad interpretations are the trials of Galileo and bending the Scriptures to support slavery or the inquisition.

However, there are also numerous examples of where skeptics or those who ignored the teachings of the Bible actually were proven wrong. Examples are given below of some times that this occurred to scientists or in science.

Einstein and the Big Bang

Einstein probably called it the biggest blunder of my life when he added a cosmological constant that would accommodate a static versus an expanding universe. A static universe was the commonly accepted state of the universe at the time of Einstein, so he added a lambda constant to accommodate this. However, the Bible and its description of the origins in Genesis 1 is more compatible with a point of creation of the universe, which is what we now call the "Big Bang". Einstein's theory predicted this "Big Bang" and was worked out by the Catholic priest and physicist Georges Lemaître. This was corroborated by later findings by the astronomer Edwin Hubble. But by that time Einstein had added the constant. Einstein later took away the constant and it is still controversial about whether this constant can be used to accommodate what is now known as dark energy.


Currently this is being developed primarily by just one individual with some feedback from friends and family. Please let us know if you would like to be involved or suggest any corrections.   


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