Hugh Ross Videos

Journey Towards Creation

An understandable scientific explanation of the Old Earth creationist perspective. 1:39:55

Testing Genesis with Science

Dr. Ross explains how science is finally converging on what Genesis and the Bible have already described for thousands of years. 1:33:49
For example, at 20:00 to 24:20 Dr. Ross explains how the Bible's description of land mass rise was confirmed in the last half of the 20th century.

Space, Time, Science Prove God's Presence

Dr. Ross explains how space, time and new scientific discoveries prove the presence of God. 1:41:14

Emeritus Lecture with Dr. Hugh Ross, April 12, 2019

Emeritus Lecture with Dr. Hugh Ross, April 12, 2019. 2:06:34

The Milkyway and Earth spell God’s name!

Hugh Ross - Designed to the Core, interview with Ahmed Eshra from Finding Truth 1:52:51

Hugh Ross - Interview and Q&A (Part 2)

Hugh Ross - Interview and Q&A (Part 2). 2:47:01

Hugh Ross - Human Origins and Human Exceptionalism

Hugh Ross - Human Origins and Human Exceptionalism. 10:58:18

Hugh Ross - The Three Pillars of Christianity

Hugh Ross - The Three Pillars of Christianity. 1:18:31

Hugh Ross - The Coronavirus Outbreak

Hugh Ross - The Coronavirus Outbreak. 1:06:40

Hugh Ross - The End of Cosmic Greatness and the Beginning of Life

Hugh Ross - The End of Cosmic Greatness and the Beginning of Life. 1:17:44

Hugh Ross - The Age of Earth's Magnetic Field from Greenland Rocks

Hugh Ross - The Age of Earth's Magnetic Field from Greenland Rocks. 1:21:11

Hugh Ross - Depletion of Heat Producing Elements in the Martian Mantle

Hugh Ross - Depletion of Heat Producing Elements in the Martian Mantle. 1:21:04

Hugh Ross - The Faint Young Sun Paradox

Hugh Ross - The Faint Young Sun Paradox. 1:17:44

Hugh Ross - Carbon Cycle Requirements for Advanced Life

Hugh Ross - Carbon Cycle Requirements for Advanced Life. 1:21:39

Hugh Ross - Life Requires Galactic and Supergalactic Habitable Zones

Hugh Ross - Life Requires Galactic and Supergalactic Habitable Zones. 1:16:25

Hugh Ross - The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, Extreme Climate Stability, and the Value of Prayer

Hugh Ross - The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, Extreme Climate Stability, and the Value of Prayer. 1:25:02

Hugh Ross - Inflation of Bipolar Radio Bubbles in the Galactic Center

Hugh Ross - Inflation of Bipolar Radio Bubbles in the Galactic Center. 1:26:02

Hugh Ross - The Ultimate Fate of the Universe

Hugh Ross - The Ultimate Fate of the Universe. 1:14:31

Hugh Ross - Astronomers Create New 3D Map of Milky Way Galaxy

Hugh Ross - Astronomers Create New 3D Map of Milky Way Galaxy. 57:54

Hugh Ross - Pursuing the Firstborn Stars and a Better Cosmic Creation Model

Hugh Ross - Pursuing the Firstborn Stars and a Better Cosmic Creation Model. 1:13:48

Hugh Ross - Complex Life's Narrow Requirements for Atmospheric Gases from Snowball Events

Hugh Ross - Complex Life's Narrow Requirements for Atmospheric Gases from Snowball Events. 1:11:58

Hugh Ross - Two Earth-Mass Exoplanets Discovered Near Teegarden's Star

Hugh Ross - Two Earth-Mass Exoplanets Discovered Near Teegarden's Star. 1:17:21

Hugh Ross - Flat Earthers: Belief, Skepticism, and Denialism

Hugh Ross - Flat Earthers: Belief, Skepticism, and Denialism. 1:15:45

Hugh Ross - Helium Hydride Detection Confirms Big Bang Creation Model

Hugh Ross - Helium Hydride Detection Confirms Big Bang Creation Model. 1:15:21

Hugh Ross - Hubble Confirms Universe Expanding Faster Than Expected

Hugh Ross - Hubble Confirms Universe Expanding Faster Than Expected. 1:47:10

Hugh Ross - Peter Atkins Unconsciously Concedes Christianity

Hugh Ross - Peter Atkins Unconsciously Concedes Christianity. 1:15:45

Hugh Ross - The Fine-Tuning of the M87 Black Hole and Earth's Extraordinary Magnet for Life

Hugh Ross - The Fine-Tuning of the M87 Black Hole and Earth's Extraordinary Magnet for Life. 1:27:42

Hugh Ross - Origin of Humans

Hugh Ross - Origin of Humans. 1:23:10

Hugh Ross - Moist Greenhouse Threshold Doomsday

Hugh Ross - Moist Greenhouse Threshold Doomsday. 1:13:30

Hugh Ross - A Seismically Induced Onshore Surge Deposit at the K-Pg Boundary in North Dakota

Hugh Ross - A Seismically Induced Onshore Surge Deposit at the K-Pg Boundary in North Dakota. 1:14:56

Hugh Ross - Origin of Life

Hugh Ross - Origin of Life. 1:13:00

Hugh Ross - Testing Genesis with Advancing Science

Hugh Ross - Testing Genesis with Advancing Science. 1:11:15

Hugh Ross - Cosmic Reasons to Believe in God

Hugh Ross - Cosmic Reasons to Believe in God. 1:14:30

Hugh Ross - Beyond the Cosmos: How Science Reveals God's Trans-Dimensional Power

Hugh Ross - Beyond the Cosmos: How Science Reveals God's Trans-Dimensional Power. 1:13:10

Hugh Ross - Discovery of the Origin of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays

Hugh Ross - Discovery of the Origin of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays. 1:10:15

Hugh Ross - Prebiotic Chemistry and the Hand of God

Hugh Ross - Prebiotic Chemistry and the Hand of God. 1:32:40

Hugh Ross - Ancient Cosmology and the Spherical Earth

Hugh Ross - Ancient Cosmology and the Spherical Earth. 10:53

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #6

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #6. 3:55:48

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #5

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #5. 2:37:08

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #4

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #4. 1:13:10

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #3

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #3. 4:48:20

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #1

Hugh Ross - Classic RTB TV Show #1. 4:22:20

Hugh Ross - DECIDE Conference

Hugh Ross - DECIDE Conference. 7:14:47

Hugh Ross - Did Curiosity Find Evidence of Life on Mars?

Hugh Ross - Did Curiosity Find Evidence of Life on Mars?. 1:26:30

Hugh Ross - Formation of Lunar Fossil Bulges and Implications for Early Earth

Hugh Ross - Formation of Lunar Fossil Bulges and Implications for Early Earth. 1:02:04

Hugh Ross - Genesis, Eradication of Evil, Cosmic Reasons to Believe, and Improbable Planet

Hugh Ross - Genesis, Eradication of Evil, Cosmic Reasons to Believe, and Improbable Planet. 4:01:18

Hugh Ross - Improbable Planet (Caltech)

Hugh Ross - Improbable Planet (Caltech). 56:09

Hugh Ross - Improbable Planet (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary)

Hugh Ross - Improbable Planet (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary). 58:22

Hugh Ross - NASA and Google Announce Discovery of Eight Planet System

Hugh Ross - NASA and Google Announce Discovery of Eight Planet System. 1:02:36

Hugh Ross - More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation

Hugh Ross - More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation. 4:20:25

Hugh Ross - Life and Death in Eden

Hugh Ross - Life and Death in Eden. 2:54:47

Hugh Ross - More Evidence for God with Dark Matter Confirmation

Hugh Ross - More Evidence for God with Dark Matter Confirmation. 1:00:40

Hugh Ross - Improbable Planet (Trinity Classical Academy)

Hugh Ross - Improbable Planet (Trinity Classical Academy). 1:21:04

Hugh Ross - Natural History and Genesis 1

Hugh Ross - Natural History and Genesis 1. 1:12:56

Hugh Ross - Neutron Star Merger Produces a Kilonova and Valuable Metals

Hugh Ross - Neutron Star Merger Produces a Kilonova and Valuable Metals. 1:01:36

Hugh Ross - Origins of the Universe, Life, and Humanity

Hugh Ross - Origins of the Universe, Life, and Humanity. 4:03:03

Hugh Ross - Rapid Emergence of Subaerial Landmasses and Hydrologic Cycle

Hugh Ross - Rapid Emergence of Subaerial Landmasses and Hydrologic Cycle. 1:06:24

Hugh Ross - Present Climate Epoch Has Been Extremely Stable

Hugh Ross - Present Climate Epoch Has Been Extremely Stable. 1:11:51

Hugh Ross - Discovery of Missing Atomic Matter Boosts Cosmic Creation Model

Hugh Ross - Discovery of Missing Atomic Matter Boosts Cosmic Creation Model. 1:33:47

Hugh Ross - Is Gut-Wrenching Space Travel Possible?

Hugh Ross - Is Gut-Wrenching Space Travel Possible?. 1:06:24

Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana - Exist Conference

Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana - Exist Conference. 1:01:36

Hugh Ross - An Astronomer's Quest Conference

Hugh Ross - An Astronomer's Quest Conference. 3:24:04

Hugh Ross - Miracles of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition

Hugh Ross - Miracles of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. 1:03:36

Hugh Ross - Highly Fine-Tuned Reverse Weathering Stabilized Earth's Early Climate

Hugh Ross - Highly Fine-Tuned Reverse Weathering Stabilized Earth's Early Climate. 59:47

Hugh Ross vs. Ken Ham - TBN Debate

Hugh Ross vs. Ken Ham - TBN Debate. 1:13:41

Hugh Ross vs. Jason Lisle - The Age of the Universe

Hugh Ross vs. Jason Lisle - The Age of the Universe. 1:46:29

Hugh Ross and Walter Kaiser - All in a Day's Work

Hugh Ross and Walter Kaiser - All in a Day's Work. 1:23:38

Hugh Ross and Walter Kaiser vs. Ken Ham and Jason Lisle - Genesis Debate

Hugh Ross and Walter Kaiser vs. Ken Ham and Jason Lisle - Genesis Debate. 3:45:05

Hugh Ross vs. Carl Wieland - A Gracious Dialogue on Genesis and Creation

Hugh Ross vs. Carl Wieland - A Gracious Dialogue on Genesis and Creation. 1:53:04

Hugh Ross vs. Danny Faulkner - How Old Is The Universe?

Hugh Ross vs. Danny Faulkner - How Old Is The Universe?. 5:04:55

Hugh Ross and John Ankerberg - Genesis and Science

Hugh Ross and John Ankerberg - Genesis and Science. 2:49:35

Hugh Ross and Michael Heiser - Christianity and Extraterrestrial Life

Hugh Ross and Michael Heiser - Christianity and Extraterrestrial Life. 3:06:59

Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana - Dialoguing with the Great Debate Community

Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana - Dialoguing with the Great Debate Community. 7:44:45

Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana - Who was Adam?

Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana - Who was Adam?. 6:39:46

Hugh Ross - Young Earth Creationists are Super Evolutionists

Hugh Ross - Young Earth Creationists are Super Evolutionists. 1:06:24

Hugh Ross - Why the Universe Is the Way It Is

Hugh Ross - Why the Universe Is the Way It Is. 1:01:36

Hugh Ross - Weathered Bedrock Key to Advanced Life on Earth

Hugh Ross - Weathered Bedrock Key to Advanced Life on Earth. 46:54

Hugh Ross - Theistic Evolution and RTB's Testable Creation Model

Hugh Ross - Theistic Evolution and RTB's Testable Creation Model. 1:55:30

Hugh Ross - The Science of Genesis and the Anthropic Principle

Hugh Ross - The Science of Genesis and the Anthropic Principle. 1:30:14

Hugh Ross - The Resurrection of Jesus

Hugh Ross - The Resurrection of Jesus. 1:06:17

Hugh Ross - The Flood of Noah

Hugh Ross - The Flood of Noah. 1:09:13

Hugh Ross - The Book of Job and Earth's Early Fossils on the Moon

Hugh Ross - The Book of Job and Earth's Early Fossils on the Moon. 15:24

Hugh Ross - The Bible Code Myth

Hugh Ross - The Bible Code Myth. 4:03:03

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2016 to 2017

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2016 to 2017. 11:08:56

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2014 to 2016

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2014 to 2016. 10:30:59

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2013 to 2014

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2013 to 2014. 11:38:10

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2011 to 2013

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2011 to 2013. 11:52:49

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2007 to 2011

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 2007 to 2011. 10:59:37

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 1999 to 2007

Hugh Ross - Skeptics Forum from 1999 to 2007. 4:03:03

Hugh Ross - Responding to YEC Criticism of Navigating Genesis

Hugh Ross - Responding to YEC Criticism of Navigating Genesis. 58:56

Best of Broadcast: Dr. Hugh Ross Talks About the Creator and the Cosmos

Best of Broadcast: Dr. Hugh Ross Talks About the Creator and the Cosmos. 2021. 56:40

Dr. Hugh Ross Talks About the Creator and the Cosmos

Dr. Hugh Ross Talks About the Creator and the Cosmos. 2018. 58:44

Dr. Hugh Ross Calls Us to Adventurous Faith

Dr. Hugh Ross Calls Us to Adventurous Faith. 57:05

Hugh Ross on Nephilim and giants

Hugh Ross on Nephilim and giants. 57:05

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